Independence Day Special – 28 states, 9 Union Territories, 1 nation

As India readies to observe its 73rd Independence Day, Team Culturama celebrates the rich diversity, heritage, culture and history of the country spread across its 28 states and 9 Union Territories. Tamil Nadu How the Land Lies One of the southern states of India, Tamil Nadu’s neighbours are Kerala, Karnataka …

The Power-packed Trio

Sonia Hays caught up with the remarkable business leaders Schauna, Alisha and Nadia Chauhan, CEO, Director, and Joint MD, respectively, of Parle Argo for a friendly chat on family, work and being in positions of influence The Chauhan sisters – Schauna, Alisha and Nadia – have been well-known for their …

One World, One Emotion

Even when things seem bleak, there will always be light; and as the world fights COVID-19, this light came in the form of health care workers, friendly neighbours, police officials and many other good Samaritans. Meera J Pillai looks at some of the heart-warming human stories from across the globe …


With the COVID-19 restrictions and lockdowns, expats in India are finding it difficult to navigate these testing times, but nonetheless they are staying positive. Team Culturama spoke to a few expats about their experience India is home to several expats who have made this country their home. Through initiatives including …