Fitness Guru Jen Thomas shares tips on how to create a ‘home gym’
How often have you heard some enthusiastic trainer say, ‘no gym – no problem’ and all you can do is groan? We now work, eat and socialise exclusively at home. Everyone talks about the ‘new normal,’ but what does that mean for our health and fitness? They should be two of our most paramount concerns. In some cases, our lives depend on it.
Clear space for your ‘gym’: First, you need to find a consistent space, the size of your mat and call it your gym. The best places are in well-ventilated areas, such as a rooftop, under a fan or next to an AC. Secondly, it shouldn’t be near fancy things – you don’t want to hear your prized crystal vase smashing!
Get your equipment: If you don’t have any weights around the house, what are the next best things? Do you have a spare backpack that you can fill with your child’s textbooks? Water bottles or soup cans? Whatever you need, find it and place it neatly near your mat. You don’t want to waste time searching for the right tools for the job when the inspiration to workout strikes.
Create a playlist: Nothing is more demotivating than a sad song in the middle of a workout. Have your pump-up music ready to go, so you just have to just push play.
Find a workout: Whether it’s an online personal trainer, exercise videos, or a charismatic fitness coach – find and download your exercise options in advance.
Now that you have your space, where do you find your motivation? Being stuck within the four walls over again can dampen your inspiration to work out. However, the most successful people don’t have more willpower than anyone else. The most successful people have successful systems that they stick to. Here are some ways you can set up your Systems for Success, to ace your home workouts:
Schedule: Make a standing appointment in your calendar. Schedule nothing else around this time, so you are mentally free and clear to work out.
Set up: Ahead of your appointment, lay out your workout clothes on your bed, and your socks and shoes. Leave yourself no excuse.
Accept distractions: Distractions are part of life, and it’s incredibly challenging to keep children out of the room when there is limited space. Instead, how about you invite the kids, husband, or wife to participate with you? Make it a game. Can you beat mommy at push-ups? How many squats can you do? Can you count daddy’s jumping jacks and see if he can get to 100? By involving your kids to make exercise fun, they will help you become more accountable!
Jen Thomas is a Chennai-based Personal Trainer, online Circuit Training Instructor and Nutrition Coach. Her passion is to make women feel confident in their bodies.